Monday 18 August 2014

British Schools, Al Khobar, Saudi

There are two British secondary and 6th form schools available in Al Khobar and they are are both good and have been established for many years.
The British Grammar School/ISG shares a campus and some good facilities with an American school. The British school has just been rebuilt so has a great new building. It does a good range of GCSEs and for 6th form offers an International Baccalaureate - more academic than A levels but wider range of subjects and community projects.

BISAK - British International school offers traditional GCSEs and for 6th Form offers A levels. Again very good facilities and in a  couple of years will be moved to even more modern facilities.
ISG - nice quote!

ISG Pleasant Grounds

ISG Library

BISAK 6th Form common room

1 comment:

  1. Foremarke School
    Foremarke School has a academic centric curriculum. We challenge our students to new heights so they can grow in all aspects of life.
    3281 Joy Lane
    Los Angeles, CA 90071


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